Sunday, April 24, 2011

///..for now

I'm off of Tumblr for a while..but that doesn't mean I'll be off of Blogspot!
I felt like Tumblr was a too big of a part in my life lol..Like honestly, I would live, breathe, eat tumblr..I don't think that's too healthy hahaa...I'm only gonna be off of it for 3 days or something, so it's not like I'm leaving forever...
Anyways, if you've been reading this blog, you'll know that I've decided to change up my wardrobe/room. I've figured out a brilliant way to get rid of all my old stuff..I'm gonna sell it! It will most likely be on Etsy or Ebay, maybe on here? I haven't figured out the details yet, but it's going to be one of my main priorities when I get back. Oh, which also reminds me that I need to develop my film! So you guys should be expecting a couple of photo diaries...yayyyyyyyyy

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